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WhysAdvice™ is a Lifestyle Brand focused on leveraging the power of WHY while broadcasting wellness ADVICE to an authentic community of Wingmen.

Today my best is to Journal...

Apr 19, 2018

There were 5 minutes of my day today that were absolutely magical.  Perhaps the best 5 minutes I’ve experienced in a long time – I’m glad I had the opportunity to be present for them.  The rest of the minutes, we jammed packed!

The day started about the same way my days have started lately, multiple alarm clocks to wake me from a deep sleep.  I spring from bed, and rush around trying to check off one thing after another. 

Today was no exception – After my 1.5-hour commute, I arrived to work just 5 minutes before my first meeting with my bosses’ boss.  We went from that meeting, to the next, to the next, to the next, to a phone call, to lunch (YA) to two more meetings, 2 more phone meetings and then back in the car for my 1.5-hour commute home.

I arrived home with 5 minutes to change out of my uniform and get back in the car to head to the High School.  We arrived at the school 5 minute before my daughter’s track meet.    This was the first track meet of the season, so it was important to be there for a number of reasons, without a doubt it was locked into my calendar!

Megan participates in Unified Track – it’s where able bodies students, compete with special needs athletes on the same team.  Her heart pulls her to this event and as I sat in the stands watching her jump for joy as her partner athlete runs around the track to hand of a baton, it brought a tear to my eye.

As my eyes watered watching her excitement, I connected that moment to this one.  Watching her give her heart freely and willingly was magical.  It’s a part of being a parent that validates that she’s been listening as we did our best to raise her.    For this small moment in time, nothing else mattered. 

Then back to reality.  We rushed from the high school to grab a bite to eat, so I could fire up the devices and go live!  My goto zero-point dinner choice was out of Turkey!  So, we drove to another restaurant.    We sat as a family to catch up for the first time today. 

Before the bill arrived, I left in a separate car to beat the 9:30p clock.  It was important that I get home in time to fire up the devices, draft a script, pile through the inbox and deliver a message of hope, belief and inspiration. I arrived home right around 9:10.  Yet, it simply was not enough time to deliver the message I wanted to deliver.

As I fired up the computer it hit me.  I’m committed, but not focused.  As I often tell you, at some point you have to do your best, given the circumstances you’ve been given.  Today I was given a full agenda, and my best, is to simply deliver a text version of everything I wanted to say.  I had to rely on my commitment to bring be back into focus.  As I’ve often encourage you do to, taking the time to pause and write down your thoughts is therapeutic.  It’s calming.  It’s the part of this journey where the focus is solely on you and that sometimes is the best thing you can do for yourself.